Mountain & Humanities

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Mountain & Humanities

Judgement Procedures

All submissions will be examined and referred by editorial members in the first round, based on their field of specialization. Submissions that pass the first round of editorial review will proceed through a double-blind peer review of two specialists.
1. Unbiased Examination
The editorial board must fairly deal with all submitted theses without any personal prejudice or bias. The two criteria of editorial review are the quality of submitted theses and the established submission guidelines. Also, in order to examine submitted theses more deeply, the editorial board must rely only on the peer reviewers with specialist knowledge and impartial judgement in the academic field concerned.
2. Blind Peer Review
Peer reviewers must fairly and sincerely examine the theses entrusted to them by the editorial board according to the following objective criteria.
3. Criteria used for reviewer’s examination are as follows
Clarity and logical consistency of argument
Originality and concreteness of content
Thesis’s contribution to the academic field concerned
Accuracy of writing form and expression
Compliance with submission guidelines
4. Grades of the final evaluation through examination are as follows
Publishable without correction
Publishable with minor correction
Resubmitable with major correction
Reviewer 1’s Judgement Reviewer 2’s Judgement Total Judgement
Publishable without correction Publishable without correction Publishable without correction
Publishable without correction Publishable with minor correction Publishable without correction
Publishable without correction Resubmitable with major correction Publishable with minor correction
Publishable without correction Unpublishable Resubmitable with major correction
Publishable with minor correction Publishable with minor correction Publishable with minor correction
Publishable with minor correction Resubmitable with major correction Resubmitable with major correction
Publishable with minor correction Unpublishable Resubmitable with major correction
Resubmitable with major correction Resubmitable with major correction Resubmitable with major correction
Resubmitable with major correction Unpublishable Unpublishable
Unpublishable Unpublishable Unpublishable
When submissions are encouraged to ‘publish with minor correction’ or ‘resubmit with major correction’, authors must correct and resubmit their manuscripts by the specified due date.


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전라남도 순천시 중앙로 255 E2 기초교육관 T. 061-750-5440
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