Mountain & Humanities

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Mountain & Humanities

Submission Guidelines

MH invites the contributions from senior and junior scholars researching on the various aspects of mountainous culture from a wide range of perspectives, including religious studies, philosophy, theology, literature, folklore, art, anthropology, history, sociology, political science and cultural studies. Theses submitted for examination should be under 10,000 words in length (including endnotes, bibliographies and appendices) and should not have appeared elsewhere or be under examination for publication elsewhere. MH welcomes book reviews (up to 1,000 words) commenting on the previously published results of research on mountainous culture, too.
All contributions or inquiries should be sent to the managing editor:
Email :
Tel : +82-55-772-2514
Mobile : +82-10-3312-5378
Postal Address : Mountains & Humanities, Institute of Gyeongnam Culture, Gyeongsang National University, 501 Jinjudaero, Jinju 660-701, Gyeongsangnamdo, South Korea
1. Format
Manuscripts should be written in English and submitted as email attachments in Microsoft Word or HWP format. The text must be written with 12 point Times New Roman. And main titles and subtitles also must be written in the same font and size as running text.
2. Length
Manuscripts of theses should be under 10,000 words in length, including endnotes, bibliographies and appendices. Book reviews should not exceed 1,000 words. Authors should contact the managing editor before submitting the theses or reviews that exceed these limits.
3. Contents
Manuscripts of theses should include the following: a main title; a subtitle (if necessary); the author’s name, affiliation, status and contact details(email address, postal address and telephone number); an abstract (up to 200 words) followed by a list of five key words; main text; bibliography; appendices (if necessary).
4. Style
Submissions must use the author-date system for citations and the endnotes for additional information, and provide a list of references in the format recommended in the most recent edition of the Chicago Manual of Style(Chicago: University of Chicago Press). For details, see
5. Pagination
Manuscripts should be numbered using A4 pagination.
6. Editing
All submitted manuscripts must arrive in the form of publishable English thesis or book review. MH will not be responsible for the English translation of non-English manuscripts or major editing. Once accepted, manuscripts will undergo a standard copy-editing by the Journal’s editorial board. Corrections will be submitted to the authors for the final approval.


전라남도 구례군 광의면 한국통신로 142-24 T. 061-750-6343
전라남도 순천시 중앙로 255 E2 기초교육관 T. 061-750-5440
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